Ballachnecore - 3D Stereo Pairs
Crossed Eye Method


The 3D views below are stereo pairs adjusted for crossed eye viewing.
These can be viewed with the naked eye, but as with our parallel viewing, the
technique takes a little getting used to.

If you have not viewed images like this before, or are having trouble seeing in 3D,
consult our 3D Viewing Help Page for tricks, tips and information.


Balachnecore from the south looking over the external southern stone.


Inner compartment looking over back-stone to portals.

Ballachnecore from the SE.  This stone, just peeping through the turf, may be a part of the edging material of the cairn.
This gives some idea of  the original size of the cairn.

Looking through the portal stones of outer compartment. A now-destroyed entrance passage once stood in the foreground.


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