Fenagh Beg

Portal Tomb - County Leitrim

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H 10784 08248 (GPS 5min) Portal Tomb. Visited June 2002
H 10802 08129 (GPS 5min) Passage Grave?

Crowned with a luxuriant topknot of vegetation, the Fenagh Beg Portal Tomb looks like a cross between Elvis and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!
The tomb stands in a field less than half a kilometre NNW from Fenagh village, it is close to a valley that has a stream running NW to Lough Reane. The tomb was originally set in the southern end of a long cairn, but we could not make out any traces of this cairn during our visit. 
The chamber consists of two portal stones, two side slabs, a back stone, and the roof slab. The western portal stands about 2m high, but the eastern stone is now a 1m high stump, the fallen top section of this stone now lies near the eastern side slab. The roof slab has also broken, a large fragment of this now lies just SE of the tomb, the slab still in place is about 4m long, 1.5m wide and 0.5m thick. The two side slabs and the back stone are all about 1.5m high. Just inside the chamber a stone barely protrudes above the ground, it lies across the entrance close to the base of the western portal, we wondered if this might be the remains of a sill stone.
Because of the damage to the east portal and its own fragmentation, the roof stone now rests on the west portal, the back stone, and the east side slab.

About 125m south of the Portal Tomb are the roughly circular remains of a cairn. Several sizable stones protrude through the grass, but no chamber elements are visible. This is thought to be the remains of a small Passage Grave.

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